Showing posts with label digital healthcare agency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital healthcare agency. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Marketing Research: Types, Functions and Its Future | Compendious Med Works

Roughly around 2017, marketers started to become increasingly appreciative of the need for research in their marketing strategies. It is a general acknowledgment that all marketing campaigns benefit from the consumer insight that logical data can provide and that any sort of passive marketing will dry up instantly.

Marketing research has traditionally been one of the more expensive ones to invest in. With the advent of the internet, and the vast majority of people now utilizing it as a place to find information, marketing research could become almost obsolete in its traditional sense. For example, a company like Hammacher Schlemmer could conduct market research by advertising a product on a social media site like Facebook and gathering immediate feedback from friends and connections that it may have never been able to access hours before.

In short, marketers use market research to analyze consumer preferences, technical and non-technical constraints, marketing opportunities and threats. The essay will shed light on how Market Research has gained importance in our digital era, 'The Age of Social Media.'

An Overview of Marketing Research

Marketing research is the process of assessing the viability of a new product or service through market research. It's a critical tool for digital marketing, as it can assess the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns and strategies. Marketing research can be used to evaluate customer needs and wants, understand their buying behavior, and assess the competition. It's an essential part of any digital marketing plan.

Functions Of Market Research

There are many functions of market research, but three primary ones are identifying opportunities, understanding customer needs and wants, and measuring customer satisfaction.

1. Identifying Opportunities: Market research can help businesses identify new growth opportunities. This could involve targeting new markets or segments, launching new products or services, or entering new geographic areas.

2. Understanding Customer Needs and Wants: One of the most important functions of market research is understanding what customers want and need. This information can be used to improve existing products and services or develop new ones that better meet customer requirements.

3. Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Another key function of market research is measuring customer satisfaction with a company's products or services. This information can be used to make improvements that boost customer loyalty and repeat business.

Types Of Market Research

In the digital era, marketing research is more important than ever. With the rise of online and social media, businesses have access to a wealth of data that can be used to inform marketing decisions. However, conducting effective market research can take time and effort. There are a number of different types of market research, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

One type of market research is surveys. Surveys allow businesses to collect data from a large number of people in a relatively short period of time. However, surveys can be expensive to administer, and respondents may only sometimes answer honestly or accurately.

Another type of market research is focus groups. Focus groups involve bringing together a small group to discuss a product or service. This type of research can be useful for exploring consumer perceptions and feelings about a brand or product. However, focus groups are often time-consuming and expensive to conduct.

Observation is another common type of market research. Observation involves watching consumers interact with a product or service in their natural environment. This type of research can be useful for understanding how consumers use a product or service and identifying potential design improvements. However, observation can be difficult to scale and may only sometimes provide accurate insights into consumer behavior.

Finally, experiments are another option for conducting marketing research. Experiments allow businesses to test specific hypotheses about how consumers will respond to changes in products or services. Experiments can be very effective at providing accurate data, but they can also

The Growth of the Digital Era

In the past decade, there has been continuous and significant growth in the use of digital technologies by businesses and organizations around the globe. This has led to increased demand for marketing research to understand how these new technologies impact customer behavior.

Digital technologies have changed the way businesses operate and communicate with their customers. To keep up with the competition, businesses must be agile and adapt to these changes quickly. Marketing research helps businesses understand what customers want and how they want it delivered. It also helps businesses identify new opportunities and optimize their marketing strategies to reach their target audiences better.

The digital era has brought about many changes, but one thing remains constant: customers still need to be reached through effective marketing communications. Marketing research is vital to success in the digital age.

Challenges in the Digital Era

The digital era has brought with it a number of challenges for marketing research. One of the biggest challenges is the sheer volume of data that is now available. With so much data available, knowing where to start and how to find the most relevant information can be difficult.

Another challenge is the speed at which changes happen in the digital world. What may be relevant today could be obsolete tomorrow. This means that marketing research must constantly evolve to keep up with the latest trends and changes.

Finally, as more and more companies move into the digital space, there is greater competition for attention from consumers. This means that marketing research needs to be more targeted and focused in order to stand out from the rest.

Future of Marketing Research in the Digital Era

Digital marketing is developing rapidly, with new technologies and platforms emerging all the time. This means that the role of marketing research is changing too. In the past, marketing research was used to gather information about customer needs and preferences. However, in the digital era, marketing research is increasingly being used to understand how customers behave online.

One of the biggest challenges for marketers is understanding how customers use search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a key part of digital marketing strategy, but tracking what keywords customers use to find your website can take time and effort. Marketing research can help you understand which keywords are most important for your business and how customers use them.

Another area where marketing research plays an important role is social media. With the rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, businesses need to understand better how customers interact with brands on social media. Marketing research can help you understand what customers think of your brand and how they interact with your content on social media.

Finally, as more and more businesses move into e-commerce, there is a need for a better understanding of customer buying behavior online. Marketing research can help businesses identify what motivates customers to buy products online and what barriers they face during the purchase process.

As you can see, marketing research is becoming increasingly important in the digital era. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, it's essential that you make use of marketing research to understand your customers and their needs better


Thus, marketing research is extremely important in any business, especially in the digital era. With technology ever-changing and customers becoming more sophisticated, it's more important than ever to understand what they want and need. Marketing research can help you do that by giving you the insights you need to make informed decisions about your marketing strategies. So if you still need to incorporate marketing research into your business plans, now is the time to start.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Essential Components of an SEO Strategy and How it Boosts a Website | Compendious Med Works

SEO has always been a crucial part of marketing. Complex algorithms behind the scenes choose what content is shown to individual users, and if you're not ranked in the top tier of search engine results pages, it's unlikely that many people will come across your content! This article discusses how to implement SEO strategies into your online marketing strategy.

SEO Basics:

There are many moving parts to SEO, and experts often debate the relative importance of each. However, there are some basics that everyone agrees on. First, let's start with a definition: SEO is optimizing a website for Google search to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the site's visibility.

Now that we know what it is, let's discuss how to do it. The most basic step is to make sure your site is discoverable by Google. That means filling out your site's metadata (title tags, meta descriptions, etc.) and submitting a sitemap to Google so it can find and index all your content.

Once your site is indexed, you'll need to create content that applies to your target audience and keyword phrases. That means doing keyword research to find out what people are searching for online and then creating blog posts, infographics, videos, or other types of content that answer those questions.

As you create content, include links to your website so people can easily find it. You should also promote your content across social media and other channels to get more people talking about it. Finally, keep track of your progress using Google Analytics or another tool so you can see how effective your SEO efforts are over time.

Web page titles

Web page titles are one of the most important aspects of SEO. They appear in the search engine results pages (SERPS) and help searchers find your website. The title should apply to the content on the page and include keywords related to what the user is searching for.


If you want your website to rank higher in search engine results pages, you need to pay attention to your URL structure. 

Your URLs should be short, keyword-rich, and easy to read. Avoid using long, complicated URLs with a lot of parameters. 

Canonicalization is also important for SEO. This means that you should have one URL for each website content. By doing this, you can avoid duplicate content issues and ensure that search engines index the correct version of your web pages. 

It's also a good idea to use hyphens (-) to separate words in your URLs, making them more readable for both users and search engines.

File names

One of the most important things to keep in mind with SEO is file names. That's because search engines use file names as a key part of their algorithm when ranking websites.

That means that if you want your website to rank well, you need to ensure that your file names are optimized for the search engines. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1) Use keywords in your file names: When you're naming your files (whether they're images, PDFs, or anything else), make sure to include relevant keywords. This will help search engines understand what your files are about and index them accordingly.

2) Keep file names short and sweet: Long, complicated file names are a pain for both users and search engines alike. So, keep your file names short, sweet, and to the point.

3) Avoid using numbers and special characters: While numbers and special characters can be helpful in some cases, they can also confuse search engines. So unless there's a good reason to use them, it's best to avoid them in your file names.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website's file names are optimized for the search engines - which will, in turn, help improve your website's overall SEO.

Standalone pages vs. blog posts

Two main types of content can be optimized for SEO: standalone pages and blog posts. Standalone pages are typically static and selling-oriented, while blog posts are dynamic and informative. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to SEO. 

Standalone pages are generally better at targeting specific keywords and phrases since they are specifically designed with those keywords in mind. However, they can be less effective at building a rapport with readers and generating organic traffic over time. 

Blog posts, on the other hand, tend to be more flexible and adaptable in terms of keyword usage. They also provide an opportunity to establish a strong relationship with readers through regular updates and engaging content. However, blog posts can be more difficult to rank highly for specific keywords due to their more general nature. 

Ultimately, the best approach for optimizing SEO is using a mix of standalone pages and blog posts to target different keywords and build a strong foundation for organic traffic growth.

Identifying High Traffic Keywords and Long Tail Keywords

If you want your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), you need to identify high-traffic keywords and long tail keywords. High-traffic keywords are the ones that get the most searches. Long tail keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and receive less traffic. But they can be just as valuable because they can help you target a particular audience.

You can use a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find high-traffic keywords. Just enter a seed keyword into the tool and it will show you related keywords with their corresponding monthly search volume. You can then choose the most relevant ones to your website and have the highest search volume.

As for long tail keywords, these are usually 4 or 5-word phrases that are more specific than general terms. For example, instead of just "shoes", a long tail keyword could be "women's running shoes". To find long tail keywords, you can simply brainstorm a list of potential phrases that people might use when searching for your product or service. Once you have a list of potential keywords, you can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to check their monthly search volume and see if they're worth targeting.

Understanding which articles rank higher than others based on the title of the article

If you want to rank higher than your competition, you need to understand what goes into ranking articles. Google uses over 200 factors in the algorithm, but the most important ones are the article's title, the content's quality, backlinks, and social signals. 

The title of your article is one of the first things Google looks at when determining where to rank it. So make sure your titles are catchy, relevant to your topic, and include keywords that you want to rank for. Getting people to click on your article from the SERPs is a good sign that your title is working.

Your content must also be high-quality if you want it to rank well. That means it should be well-researched, well-written, and provide value to the reader. Google is looking for articles that answer questions and provide information people are searching for. So make sure your content hits all those marks.

In addition to great content, you also need backlinks from other websites. Backlinks show Google that your site is trustworthy and popular enough to merit a high ranking. The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your site, the better.

Finally, social signals are another factor that can affect your rankings. People sharing your content on social media or interacting with it shows Google that people find it valuable. That can lead to a boost in your rankings.

Earning a Rankings with Accuracy

To earn rankings with accuracy, SEO needs to be done correctly from the start. This means understanding how search engines work and what they consider when ranking websites. It also means using the right keyword research tools and techniques to identify the best keywords for your website. Once you have the right keywords, you need to use them throughout your website in the right places to make sure search engines see them and rank your website accordingly.

Optimizing around various categories like recipes, personal life, tutorials and more!

Assuming you want tips on optimizing different types of content: 

For recipes, make sure to use high-quality images and comprehensible instructions. Also, take advantage of tagging systems so people can easily find your recipes based on what they're looking for. 

As for personal life posts, consider using social media platforms to connect with others who might be interested in reading about your life. You can also guest post on other blogs or websites to reach a larger audience. 

Tutorials should be clear and concise, with step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. Again, tagging is important for tutorials so people can easily find what they need. You might also want to create a video tutorial to accompany your written instructions.

Differentiating between keywords that are being shown to other similar terms (i

Differentiating between keywords being shown to other similar terms is essential for any SEO campaign. By understanding how search engines work, you can better identify which keywords are most effective for your website and which should be avoided. There are a few key factors to keep in mind when differentiating between keywords:

-The number of searches for a particular keyword: The more searches for a keyword, the more likely it is that your website will rank for that keyword. However, if there are fewer searches for a keyword, it may be easier to rank for that keyword.

-The competition for a particular keyword: If there is a lot of competition, it may be difficult to rank for that keyword. However, if there is little competition, you may have an easier time ranking for that keyword.

-The relevancy of the keyword to your website: It is important to ensure that the keywords you choose are relevant. If they are not relevant, you may not get much traffic from those keywords.

Final Thoughts!!

SEO is a process of improving the visibility and quality of a website so that it may rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Although many factors go into SEO, some of the most important include website structure and design, keyword research, content optimization, and link building. Following these best practices can improve your website's SEO and rank on SERPs. Boost in ranking will bring in more customers to the website and increase your business.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Compendious Med Works | How Are Electronic Health Records Helpful For Doctors?

How Are Electronic Health Records Helpful For Doctors?

Electronic health records offer many benefits to doctors, but they are not the perfect solution. Though they are handy in many cases, there are times when they can hinder a doctor's ability to see all necessary facts. This is why it is important to ensure you do your homework and know what is best for your business before committing.


Electronic health records (EHR) are an important tool for doctors. They help doctors keep track of their patient's medical histories, appointments, and prescriptions. EHRs can also help doctors make better decisions about patient care.

In recent years, the use of EHRs has grown significantly. According to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of office-based physicians using EHRs increased from 18% in 2008 to 72% in 2015. The CDC report also found that the use of EHRs varied by state, with some states seeing higher rates of adoption than others.

There are many benefits of using EHRs. For example, EHRs can help reduce medical errors, improve patient safety, and increase efficiency in clinical practices. In addition, EHRs can help physicians provide better patient care by allowing them to access important information quickly and easily.

Despite these benefits, there are still some challenges associated with using EHRs. For instance, some doctors have found that managing EHRs takes up a significant amount of time. In addition, implementing and maintaining an EHR system can be expensive for some practices. Despite these challenges, the use of EHRs is likely to continue to grow in the years ahead as more and more doctors adopt this technology into their practices.

What is the purpose of Electronic Health Records?

There are many purposes for electronic health records (EHRs). One is that they provide a secure and efficient way to store patient information. This information can be accessed by authorized personnel from any location with an Internet connection. Additionally, EHRs can help to reduce medical errors, improve communication between providers, and support population health management initiatives. 

Another purpose of EHRs is they can help to improve patient care. For example, some EHR systems include clinical decision support tools that can offer recommendations to providers based on a patient's individual history and current health status. Additionally, EHRs can be used to facilitate care coordination between different providers who are caring for the same patient. 

 Ultimately, the use of EHRs has the potential to transform the healthcare system by improving the quality and efficiency of care. 

Medical records software systems: advantages, disadvantages, and risks 

Many different types of medical records software systems are available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Some systems are better suited for certain practices, while others may be more user-friendly or offer more features.

Some advantages of medical records software include:

Increased efficiency - With a good medical records system, doctors can spend less time tracking down patient information and more time seeing patients.

Improved accuracy - Electronic health records can help reduce errors in patient care.

Enhanced communication - EHRs can make it easier for doctors to share information with other providers, improving care coordination.

Disadvantages of medical records systems can include:

Implementation and maintenance costs - Some electronic health record systems can be expensive to implement and maintain. There may also be costs associated with training staff on how to use the system.

Complexity - Some electronic health record systems can be complex and difficult to use. This can lead to frustration among users and decreased productivity. In some cases, it may even lead to errors in patient care.

Risks associated with medical records systems include:

HIPAA violations - If proper security measures are not in place, unauthorized individuals could gain access to patient information stored in an electronic health record system. This could lead to a serious breach of privacy and potential HIPAA violations.

Data breaches - If an electronic health record system is breached, confidential patient information could be exposed. This could hurt the practice's reputation and potentially lead to legal action.

It is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of medical records systems before implementation. In addition, practices should put security measures in place to protect patient data and ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Dos and Don'ts for Electronic Health Records

The electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient's medical history. It contains all important information about a patient's health, including their demographics, medications, allergies, laboratory results, immunizations, and more.

The EHR is a valuable tool for doctors. It helps them to keep track of their patient's health information in one place and to make better-informed decisions about their care. However, there are some things that doctors should keep in mind when using the EHR.

Here are some Dos and Don'ts for electronic health records:


Use the EHR to inform your clinical decision-making. The EHR provides important information that can help you make better patient care decisions.

Keep patient information up-to-date. Make sure to update the EHR with new information as it becomes available. This will help you and other providers caring for the patient have the most accurate and up-to-date information possible.

Use secure messaging to communicate with other providers about patients. Secure messaging systems allow you to send messages about patients care without having to give out their email or phone number. This helps to protect their privacy and ensures that only those who need to know have access to the information.


Use the EHR as a replacement for face-to-face communication with patients. The EHR is a great tool for supplementing communication, but it should not replace talking to patients in person.

Use the EHR to store or share sensitive information. The EHR is not a secure system, so you should not use it to store or share sensitive information such as social security numbers or credit card numbers.

Use the EHR to make clinical decisions without considering other factors. The EHR is just one part of the puzzle regarding making clinical decisions. Be sure to consider all the relevant information before making decisions about a patient's care. 

Following these Dos and Don'ts will help you get the most out of the EHR and use it in a way that benefits you and your patients.


Undoubtedly, electronic health records (EHRs) have revolutionized the healthcare industry. They are helpful for doctors in many ways, from reducing paperwork to improving patient care. A recent study found that EHRs can help doctors save time and money while providing better care. If you are a doctor considering implementing an EHR system, we hope this article has helped explain some of the benefits you can expect.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Digital Marketing for Healthcare (Know everything in 5 minutes)

 What exactly is digital marketing?

"Digital marketing" is a broad phrase that encompasses webpages, audiobooks, media platforms, and other types of digital media, with the online world serving as the central hub for all outlets. This type of marketing is well-organized and specialized and produces measurable outcomes in real-time. It is a technology-enabled statistics and customized brand marketing strategy. 

There is no room for speculation. Strategies are constantly tried to evaluate what works and what does not. You can rapidly measure outcomes and alter techniques.

Is it necessary for your medical practice to hire a healthcare marketing agency?

Most medical marketers consider hiring a medical marketing agency when their practice reaches a crossroads, and it's time to make a choice. They might be in one of the following situations:

1. Organizations are rapidly expanding and no longer have the time or finances to run their profession and meet the ever-increasing need of the internet market. 

2. Authorities have reached a stalemate and are struggling to maintain a continuous stream of patients through the doorway. 

3. Those who are operating at a loss to rivals. 

4. Individuals are just establishing a new practice and are unsure where to focus their brand visibility. 

What do branding strategies in healthcare mean? 

Healthcare marketing strategy primarily focuses on developing a customized relationship with customers through deliberate communication that assists in guiding individuals along their pharmaceutical journey. The optimum marketing plan for your healthcare system should be a seamless blend of specialized offline and internet advertising methods. 

Every day, marketers face new obstacles as the healthcare business evolves. So, an influential bottom line will be difficult if your team has a foolproof plan in place and is up to date on the current developments.


Developing innovative methods to make a more appealing healthcare digital marketing firm may be a challenging and frequently baffling endeavor.

When you have a qualified and reputable healthcare advertising agency aiding your brand, this is how digital marketing helps you build your healthcare system. 

Navigating these waters might be treacherous, with what appears to be a limitless amount of marketing and advertising channel possibilities and frequently contradictory information online about which is the most splendid match. 

Moreover, the last thing you want to do is make a mistake and spend time, money, and valuable resources only to learn that the effort was a waste of time and ineffective in developing the practice. 

As a result, we've developed a list of 5 medical marketing tactics for physicians that no practice should be without -

1. Adapt To An User-Friendly Website: According to the studies, more than 59 percent of site visitors would abandon a website if it is not mobile-friendly. Your website must comply with adaptable design guidelines. Not only would this make it easier for healthcare practitioners to utilize your website, but it will also bring SEO benefits because Google favors responsive websites over regular websites.

2. Created For Mobile Devices 

Because the maximized searches are conducted on mobile or tablet devices, having a supportive and inclusive medical website design is critical. A few pointers to consider are - 

Consider this primary care patient case. On mobile load, you can see the navigation, a distinct call to action, and what they accomplish all above the flap. 

Make sure that your website design has adaptable graphics and website components. 

The practice website should be developed for all platforms so that you may collect as many website visitors as possible and are not confined to desktop searches. 

Page speed is the most common cause of a higher completion rate on your professional webpage.

3. Make Treatments And Services Easily Visible 

It is good to lay out the list of the practice's treatments and services on the website. 

When patients visit your practice website, they should be able to identify all your treatment options and services. If your medical practice offers a vast range of services, narrow down the immediate solutions and processes you want to highlight. 

Consider your desired demographic, meaningful distinguishing features, and slightly soaring procedures when determining which therapies to market.

4. Keep Campaign Timeframes In Mind: Select the most appropriate marketing channels. 

Spreading your marketing goals over several platforms is beneficial, but it may get burdensome if you lose momentum. As a result, strategists must assess and select the most effective marketing channel for their healthcare setting depending on geography, patient personalities, and service line.

Moreover, your medical practice cannot have the same areas of failure as an in-house marketing department, especially if you have a robust marketing plan. On the other hand, a conventional marketing firm will work on your campaigns with multi-person crews that assist one another and guarantee that campaigns in effect on time.

5. Develop A Plan For Content Marketing To Enlighten And Retain Patients: Consider it in terms of brand image and value. Whether you're a dentist or a surgeon, the regulations are the same for everyone in the field. Maintaining your online presence and Google ranking can firmly assist visitors to your website and increase your chances of gaining new patients. 

Furthermore, remaining updated and visible online will assist you in retaining your present patients. 

Content marketing is an essential component of internet marketing for healthcare practitioners, and it works in conjunction with other marketing tactics such as SEO and social media promotion. Creating unique content, like all the healthcare marketing techniques on this list, helps enhance your practice's presence online.

Final Thoughts!!

It is always witnessed that social processes succeed with various tactics; it all comes down to selecting a strategy that matches your practice's goal.

Besides, the mode people search for healthcare settings and medical professionals online is changing in favor of smartphone solutions. With more than 80% of consumers using smartphones to discover or engage with doctors, it is critical to rethink marketing efforts to reflect - on the times we live in. 

Therefore, a well-structured HEALTHCARE DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY with a well-planned MARKETING STRATEGY is the key.


Building Patient Trust through Transparency in Healthcare Marketing | Compendious Med Works

  In the healthcare industry, building patient trust is crucial. Patients trust healthcare providers with their health, well-being, and some...